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Parks for Progress

I'm Jarret Parks, and I'm running for Memphis District 7 City Councilman. With 18 years of experience as both a police officer and a community organizer, I've witnessed the true value of bringing people together and building bridges between residents, businesses, and local organizations. Together, let's unite and strive for a stronger, more prosperous Memphis—a city that provides equal opportunities for all to flourish.

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"JP" Parks

Let’s invest in the future of Memphis today

Transformative Power

Bringing people together


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Details: By donating you are confirming that (1) I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder). (2) I am at least eighteen years old. (3) This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution. Contributions or gifts to the Committee to Elect Jarett \"JP\" Parks are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

mission & vision

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Our mission & vision

Together, let's unite and strive for a stronger, more prosperous Memphis

A Safe City is a Strong City

and I'm deeply dedicated to enhancing the safety and security of our beloved Memphis. Every citizen should feel protected in their homes and confident on our streets.

Our Local Businesses

I firmly believe they are the backbone of our economy, capable of driving significant economic growth and creating job opportunities for all Memphians.

A Unifying Force

Memphis thrives when we collaborate, listen to each other's concerns, and work hand in hand to address our community's needs. Let's build a stronger Memphis.

Together, we can create a future that shines brightly for generations to come.



Learn more about "JP"

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Jarrett "JP" Parks

With 18 years of experience as both a police officer and a community organizer, I've witnessed the true value of bringing people together and building bridges between residents, businesses, and local organizations. 

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